[00:00:00] Jayde: When you’re approaching brand partners, I do like to see it as a relationship. What do they get out of this? And what do I get out of it? Of course, like money, income, that’s my favorite song, but also just like resources, additional, you know, access to network opportunities. And I would say just to consider the full range of possibilities for what partnerships could look like.
[00:00:28] Jessy: Hey guys. Welcome back to the WIM Podcast. I’m your host, Jessy Grossman, the founder of Women in Influencer Marketing. If you have not checked out our community yet, I highly encourage you to. This podcast is simply an extension of it. You can go to check out our website. It’s I am wim.com. That’s I-A-M-W-I-I-M.com.
Learn more about the community, and attend our events. Pick a mentor. Hang out on our Slack channel. We’ve got so much going on and we have a lot scheduled and coming up in 2025. So get excited. I am off enjoying baby snuggles continuing on my maternity leave. So I miss you guys genuinely tremendously, but I’m popping it every so often into Slack to say hello and kind of participate in some of the awesome conversations that are going on there.
But for this podcast, we are continuing the awesome series with our guest hosts. So that is what you are in store for today. I look forward to listening to this episode today is a particularly good one. So let’s jump into it. Enjoy guys.
This show is sponsored by Women in Influencer Marketing, better known as WHIM, the best online community for the creator economy. You will meet fellow influencer marketers, you’ll meet brands, you’ll meet talent agencies to talk shop, get hired, and even find a mentor. When you become a member, do not forget to subscribe.
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[00:02:48] Tiffany: Hi, welcome to your next episode of the Woman in influencer marketing podcast. As you can see, I’m not Jesse, but I’m filling in for her. My name is Tiffany Harden. I’m the founder and CEO of the guilt creative group.
We are an influencer marketing agency. Ports Fortune 500 brands on their influencer marketing campaigns, soup to nets. So we help them use diverse influencers for their creator campaigns. And I love doing, it’s what I do Air Day, and I’m working on a startup myself that’s centered on creator services.
So I am excited to talk to our next guest because this woman has. From not only being an incredible social strategist and executor but also a B2B creator. So I’m going to share a little bit more about my friend, Jade Powell. I know y’all have seen her on the internet. Um, she’s a founder social strategist, and content creator from Atlanta, Georgia.
With over 10 years of experience in content strategy and social, she’s, Established yourself as a well-respected creator and creative in the marketing advertising industry. I’m really stoked to talk to her because I know with her agency and also the host of Creator T Talk, she has grown into being one of the most sought-after B2B creators on the internet.
So we’re going to talk to her a little bit about that and what it means to have this sort of unconventional path into the creative industry. So without further ado, please. Welcome, Miss Jade Powell. Hey, Jade. Hi. I felt like applause was going to come from you. Maybe we can edit in some like applause, some like master flex horns.
Exactly. Exactly. So I know, I just shouted out your bio, but is there anything that I miss that you would want the people to know about the women in the influencer marketing community?
[00:04:45] Jayde: No, I feel like what you had was perfect. I’m just a girl that is on the internet. So yes, that’s me.
[00:04:52] Tiffany: Well, let’s start, let’s start from the beginning.
So tell me more about your background. Are you from Atlanta or did you [00:05:00] move there? And did you move there to work in the creator space?
[00:05:03] Jayde: No, so I’m a rare Atlanta native. I was born and raised here. And it’s always so funny. I think when you talk to people who are also from Atlanta, we always say, well, technically, I wasn’t born in Atlanta.
I was raised outside of Atlanta in Stone Mountain, Georgia, or Snowville, whatever you want to call it. But I went to school in Atlanta. So Georgia State University is right downtown. And I’ve been living in Atlanta since and I love being a city girl.
[00:05:28] Tiffany: I love being a city girl. I’m based in Nashville but spent most of my career in Chicago and New York City.
So definitely, get that. So did you go to school for advertising and marketing?
[00:05:39] Jayde: No, actually, I originally went to school for business management because I knew very early on that entrepreneurship was my path, but I could not pass accounting or finance. So I got my degree. Spanish and international business.
So a little bit
[00:05:55] Tiffany: of a hard left. I love hearing that though. You know, the premise of this conversation that we’re going to have today is unconventional pathways, you know?
[00:06:04] Jayde: So
[00:06:05] Tiffany: I love where, where we’re starting is where, is where we’re going. So did you have family or other people in your life who were entrepreneurs that helped you understand even what it was about?
[00:06:17] Jayde: No, not at all. My parents are originally from Jamaica and I think they honestly kind of completed a little bit of college, but neither of them graduated. My mom kind of took on a more traditional homemaker role. My dad was in the Navy, and then fresh out of the Navy, he went straight into the workforce.
So my sister and I are the first of our family to go to college. And then I am the one that kind of did the more traditional corporate path. And I’m. I think kind of not having that example around me kind of like left me with a rude awakening when I got into corporate, so I was figuring it out for myself because I was one of the first for sure.
[00:07:00] Tiffany: Okay, so set the scene for us. You know, you’re in corporate, you’re, you know, just got out of school around what, 21, 22, something like that. 2016. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, you know. Set the scene for us for how you got into corporate, what you thought your expectations were going to be, and then, you know, bring us to kind of like your story today and how that sort of shifted and changed.
[00:07:26] Jayde: Yeah, so I think when I was coming out of college, I had already had like a couple of internships in marketing and advertising. I didn’t go to college, like I said, to get a career in marketing and advertising. I don’t think I even realized what that was. It’s just kind of a career field I ended up in. And when I graduated, I did finish my studies in Costa Rica.
So I had about a month and a half in Costa Rica, it’s like post-walking and I completed my studies there. And then literally maybe two days after I got back from Costa Rica, I started my first official full-time job out of college. I had a gig at an advertising agency as an account coordinator. So I was talking directly with like clients and making sure that our creative team, production teams at the agency were kind of making sure that, you know, we were getting our clients or deliverables on time.
And I hated it. And it’s not because I didn’t enjoy the work. I just did not like my manager. So that’s a big deal. Yeah, I think that was the first kind of introduction into just kind of like what happens or what environment you’ll work in if you’re not working with people in leadership who can be effective leaders.
So I was there for about a year. I left. I started working in the cannabis industry as a social media manager earlier on. And I was there for about two years in a very similar situation, just kind of was like a toxic work environment. And I was like, Whoa, okay. I don’t know if this is the norm in corporate, but I don’t like this.
So then after that job. I was like, okay, maybe it will be different if I’m not working at like a smaller company. So then I went big and started working at Delta on the social media team. And Delta surprisingly was not toxic, but I think big corporate just didn’t fit with my vibe, like as a creative and just.
Being a person that wanted to move freely and make decisions and not have to go through like a billion layers of approval. So I went back to a startup and in my last full-time role, I was the head of social at a beverage brand called Sunwink which a very much a startup. It was women-led and I think about it.
Six months into my role. I was like, okay, I’m getting that feeling again that I’ve experienced at other jobs. And now I’m realizing it’s not the companies. It’s me that something about the work that I’m doing needs to change. And that’s when I decided to start freelancing. And I launched my agency.
And I’ve been working as a freelancer for the past two and a half years. And it has been It’s been amazing. So much more fun. I love it so much. It’s my favorite job.
[00:09:56] Tiffany: I love hearing this. And I want as someone who also had a kind of nontraditional path, you know, starting my career in the music business and talent management, and then finding myself in advertising, allowing yourself as a young person to experiment and have compassion with yourself to find the right.
And knowing that it might just be, you know, with you, I’m curious about what you thought when you were in those, in those roles and you were thinking, you know, okay, maybe there’s misalignment somewhere, whether it’s expectation, whether it’s, you know, communication. Quality of work, whatever. There are a lot of people that are in the Wim network that are on their come up.
They are growing in their leadership and their career journey. What I heard from you, and I’m curious to get your thoughts on this. What are the things that you want people, like, if you could give us like three tactics of how to kind of audit your situation and decide, like, stay, go, you know, or maybe like, I don’t know if there’s something in the middle, but like, stay or go, like, wouldn’t process or what things were you thinking through?
What questions did you ask yourself to sort of self-audit? Like, if this was the right fit for you.
[00:11:14] Jayde: Yeah, I think the first question was, is this something that is making me happy? And I think it was so apparent that it wasn’t. I think one thing I will say early on, it took me a while to kind of like establish boundaries.
And also kind of advocate for myself, I just didn’t have an understanding of what that looked like or what that was early in my career. So I think ultimately, when it came to the decisions to kind of leave each job that I had, I was like, okay, well, this is not making me happy. So that was the prime reason.
I also felt like. You know, it’s that classic question of, would I do this work if I wasn’t getting paid? And the answer was no, to be honest. I was like, I wouldn’t, to be honest like the paycheck is a very nice motivator. But even if that, the paycheck isn’t feeling like a strong enough motivator to want to stay.
And then three, I would say, think about whether you feel like it makes sense for the lifestyle that you want to live. And I think that first comes with having an understanding of what the vision for your life is or was in the moment. And at the time, I didn’t know what my vision was. I was just kind of moving.
Through life, like, okay, this is what I’m supposed to be doing. I graduated and now I have a job and that’s what they said to do. So my life is supposed to be great now. And that was not the case, but it was because I had no vision for my life. So those three things think about whether your job is bringing you joy if you would do the work for free.
And then, if it’s in alignment with the vision that you have for your life.
[00:12:48] Tiffany: Ooh, that’s a good one. When I’m coaching, especially creators, I ask them to do some vision casting because you can say to yourself, there are all these tasks that need to get done. To what end? Like, where are we going with this?
You know, how does that, how do these tasks align with the vision that you have for yourself? So I love that you, you said, you know, You realize like I didn’t have a vision for myself and so leaning into that and, you know, figuring out like, what is the big picture can help you kind of like, we call it a work back planning and strategy, but, you know, create a work plan for, you know, how you want to how you want to live.
Okay. This is cool. We’re getting into some of that background, some of your values, and how you’re getting to this space now, which is. Yeah. You know, most people would say, I know you from LinkedIn or you’re a B2B creator. You know, I’m so curious, how did you, you didn’t transition, but maybe add something on top of the work that you already do because you freelance right now.
How did being a B2B creator even start for you?
[00:13:53] Jayde: Yeah, I feel like it was so random, but I always think that things [00:14:00] happen the way they’re supposed to, to be honest, so I also feel like it was an alignment. I have been creating on social media since like early MySpace days, but I think what started kind of culminating into the position I’m in now as a B2B creator is my Twitter presence.
People had been following me throughout like the era of the pandemic. And I was able to grow this amazing community of marketers creatives and people in my industry. It was such an interesting kind of perspective because I never really considered myself to be an influencer, but I was kind of adopting the term creator, especially because I was being more intentional about it.
Creating content on Twitter and my other social media platforms as well. But in the era that Elon came in, Mr. Musk, that man took over Twitter. I noticed that a lot of the other creatives and professionals I was building a community with started kind of navigating over to LinkedIn. And LinkedIn for me was not a space I was interested in.
Like, I literally have tweets where I’ve been, I’ve called LinkedIn very ghetto because I don’t want any parts of this.
[00:15:10] Tiffany: We are so opposite because I got a message from LinkedIn recently that was like, happy 18 years being on LinkedIn. Like you couldn’t tell me anything. I was like, I’m a professional click.
[00:15:21] Jayde: in. Exactly. But that’s what’s funny. I had been, I had one and I had been using it to kind of just update my profile and be like, use it more traditionally. But as a creator, that’s just not a space I was considering. And it wasn’t until I had a brand partnership. And we were discussing like, okay, because this was the beginning of my creator T talk series.
And they were like, okay, Where do you want to launch this? And originally I was like, Twitter spaces, duh. And they were like, well, Twitter doesn’t feel like the right space right now. So they were like, would you be willing to do this on LinkedIn? And I was like, I guess, just like that. I was like, I guess, but I’m so glad they pushed me to do it.
Cause they just opened up my world. And I think their kind of being one of my first brand partners pushed me into the world of B2B influencing. So that’s how it started.
[00:16:15] Tiffany: I love it. I love that. Okay. And so why now? Like what is right now? I feel linked. LinkedIn is having a moment. It is having a moment.
And I’m wondering like, What about the space makes it so fertile at this stage?
[00:16:30] Jayde: Yeah, it’s interesting because as a social strategist, this is a conversation that I’ve been having a lot with brands about just like the opportunities there. But I think first it’s just a big culture shift. I think pre pre-pandemic era, professionalism, and work life, looked very black and white.
There was no mix, no meddling, no gray area. And I think since the pandemic culture just has shifted so much where we’re now like literally in Zoom meetings with our coworkers and we see their babies like in their lap and it’s just, people are being a lot more human, a lot more understanding of the fact that.
You know, yes, we have these professional sides of us, but we’re still people at the end of the day. So I think a lot of Gen Z and the younger millennial professionals kind of ushering into this new space on LinkedIn is kind of shifting the culture of LinkedIn inherently. And I think those two things are connected.
So I think people are a lot more casual on LinkedIn now, a lot more informal. So much more informal. It’s like, yes, I am a professional, but I still am a human being. I laugh at things. I think, you know, some things don’t need to be taken as seriously. So I think that’s causing the culture shift on LinkedIn.
And I just decided to embrace it. I’m like, I’m leaning all in and it’s so much fun.
[00:17:52] Tiffany: Wait, I love that so much. It was funny because, you know, as an entrepreneur. Yeah. I’ve been owning my own business for quite a while and, you know, there was this LinkedIn was the place of, you know, I’m proud to announce I’m the new whatever VP of the whatever.
And I remember when I got my line of credit, you know, which is a big deal for an entrepreneur. Yeah, because banks never do. And so, like, when it happened, I was like, I’m proud to announce I have the same title, but I have more resources. And it’s one of those things where, you know, it’s the, it is the place to, like, generate excitement for, you know, the work that you’re doing and then generate excitement for your point of view as a thought leader.
And I think, and I think we do need that. Like, every, every sort of, like, section in our life. Has a space and it’s, and it’s worthy of that, you know, because people want to share what they want to share, how they want to share. I am. I’m tickled now because now we have another sort of front when it comes to.
Subject matter experts. Right. And so essentially what we’re saying, when someone says they’re a B2B creator, they’re saying, you know, I’m a subject matter expert. And, you know, for me to partner with other businesses, especially ones that may be consumer-facing, or maybe, you know, they need their B2B businesses.
They want to work with the influencers and the subject matter experts that are in that industry in that category. So my question to you is, Okay. Why do you think there is almost like a gold rush right now when it comes to this space and do you see, like, what do you, what do you kind of foresee it turning into?
Because I will tell you, I was nervous about, you know, LinkedIn sort of becoming Instagram, you know, because I’m like, I still want to be professional, you know, you know, I’m curious about like. What you, the why now in the moment and then, uh, what you think it’s going, where it’s going to lead into.
[00:20:03] Jessy: Quick question for you guys. How much do you love redlining agreements? Yeah, me too. Let me tell you about our latest sponsor called Kavyaat. So Kavyaat with a K is an AI-powered contracting platform that simplifies and Automates your contracts. It’ll hugely improve the way that you review partnership agreements.
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[00:21:40] Jayde: Yeah. I mean, I want to blame creators and I’m one of them. And I think it’s this thing where when I think about creators, they are really like the culture drivers on social media, and a lot of their behaviors are being adopted by brands and therefore companies. So I think on LinkedIn, that’s kind of like what we’re witnessing.
We’re kind of seeing this era of like creator behavior that we’ve seen on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, on other platforms, and now LinkedIn is kind of tapping into that. And I think that’s very evident in the fact that they’ve been investing. So I’m going to be talking a little bit more about that in just a few minutes, but I want you to remember that LinkedIn is a social media platform and their bottom line is very much partly dependent on it.
How people use platforms. And I think because more creators are being more involved on social media platforms, LinkedIn is just doing what other social media platforms have done. So I don’t think it’s honestly that shocking. If anything, I think the future of LinkedIn is going to be, uh, more creator-dominant.
I think we’re going to start seeing monetization programs, uh, very similar in how Instagram was doing like reels, reels, bonuses, our TikTok shop kind of launch. I think we’re going to start seeing more of that. And. I don’t believe that LinkedIn is going to completely like negate the audience that already exists or what I would like to call legacy users.
I just think we’re going to see more of a pump up in like creator resources and tools. So I would say, gird your loins, get ready. Wait, hold on to your butts.
[00:23:28] Tiffany: You’re a wig. That’s, that’s fascinating, especially considering. You know, what it takes to be a B2B creator also in my mind’s eye means you are a subject matter expert.
That’s taking some of that energy and applying it in a creative way to create the video and do the things. And so when it comes to partnership, because part of being a B2B creator is not just, this is the this is what you’re doing. You’re also doing it so that you’re. You know, serving your audience, but also getting partnership deals, right?
So there’s also a new crop of, of, of that too. Like, how do you source your deals? And what would you say to someone who’s like, Hey, I, you know, gain all these people on LinkedIn? I don’t serve them. I don’t do anything about it. I like the written word. I don’t know if I’m going to be on the video.
Yeah. How can I take advantage of some of these latent assets that I have? What would you say to them?
[00:24:29] Jayde: Well, one, I will let you ask that question because I do think. You know, when we think about the word content creation, everyone assumes that you have to be on video and you don’t like content to take shape in all of its forms, including text-only posts or just purely written posts.
But I would say, like, think about your value proposition, think about who your community is, who are they? What are they comprised of? What type of professions are they in? What are they interested in? And that kind of gives you insight into who your brand partner should be. And of course, like, think about the, you know, Brands that you use in your everyday life.
When I started creating on LinkedIn, that was one of the first things I asked myself. I’m like, Okay, I use Canva all the time. How do I partner with Canva? I’m always, you know, using Descript or Splice to create my videos. How do I partner with them? And I feel like that’s kind of like a nice entry point because it’s already a natural part of your life and that kind of curates a level of authenticity. After all, it’s something that you’re already doing.
But when you’re approaching brand partners, Like, I do like to see it as a relationship. What do they get out of this? And what do I get out of it? Of course, like money, income, that’s my favorite song, but also just like resources, additional, you know, access to network opportunities. And I would say to just consider the full range of possibilities for what partnerships could look like.
I feel like the most common, and it’s a lot of what I do is sponsor content. So I work with. Brands, pay me to post on my LinkedIn about their product or services, but also speaking engagements. I’ll partner with brands. I’ll go, you know, talk on their webinars or go to their conferences. Also, you know, sponsorships through like the events or activations that you’re hosting.
So for example, when I rolled out creator T talk a couple of years ago, I got. Sponsors to sponsor specific episodes. So in a similar way that, you know, a brand would sponsor a podcast. So there are different types of opportunities. I think it’s just one focusing on which brand partners you want to work with.
And two, making sure they’re in alignment with like who you are, your values, and the community that you effectively serve. And then also three, just making sure it’s the right partnership that will make sense for you and the type of content that you create.
[00:26:43] Tiffany: Oh, you nailed it. That is so perfect. That’s exactly, that’s exactly right.
And I love it. You spoke first about almost doing like a little brand audit. I mean, it’s, you have a unique sort of. You know, positioning here because you are a social strategist, so this is what strategy, you know, what we do, we, we take audits and then we, you know, look at the data and then create, you know, actions out of that and I’m thinking about, you know, even some of those folks that aren’t in marketing and advertising, you know, folks that are in, you know, I don’t know.
Engineering and computing like they’re sort of go the gamut of whatever industry that you’re in. And I like that people can feel a little bit more excited about this, especially when you think about how you’re already doing these things. You’re already showing up on panels. You’re already showing up on webinars.
So like, you may not call yourself a B to B creator per se, but you’re already doing some of that work just by being in your industry and a subject matter expert. So I think it’s just another way of. You know, sort of crafting the narrative to serve your industry, your people, but starting with who’s in my audience, what do they need?
What do they want? And. How do I deliver content that feels good and natural to me? Because nobody wants to see someone on a video that feels uncomfortable. They don’t want to be like your point about authenticity. It’s not just what the brands are, it’s also like, and how you deliver. That’s important.
So what are some things that you think on the brand side, they should look out for, whether that’s a warning or whether that’s a lean deeper into it when it comes to? Finding creators that, uh, are in the B2B space. Yeah. What’s been some, observations so far?
[00:28:31] Jayde: I mean, I think one, I think brands need to remember that, like, again, LinkedIn is a part of the larger social media ecosystem.
And I think what brands, specifically on LinkedIn, have a hard time with is, like, kind of managing their tone and voice. So they also feel like they need to come up with a very corporate y and just like very like hello at so and so brand we are proud to share and it’s like, okay, but that’s not actually how people talk in real life.
And that’s certainly not how creators and influencers talk. So I would say one, be a brand that creators and influencers would be proud to work with and be excited to work with. And I do think part of that is your social presence. I think. Additionally, when you are teaming up with creators and influencers, be a little bit more intentional.
I think the first instinct is always like, okay, we have this brand campaign that we want to just incorporate influencers and creators in. And that’s completely fine. I think that’s always great. But also, don’t be afraid of bespoke partnerships where you’re actually curating a campaign. An experience for specific influencers that you want to work with.
I think when you’re doing influencer strategy, there’s, there’s like several pillars you can consider, but I think those are two it’s like that kind of always-on moments where. You’re constantly creating content, building campaigns for the brand, because you know, that kind of comes out of the larger marketing strategy.
But also there are going to be moments where creators and influencers are just really hot right now. Or there’s some where you’re like, you know what, we haven’t worked with them before, but we would love to build a campaign specifically tailored to this person. And then the final thing I would say is to come up with a budget.
You know, a lot of brands like to, Oh, we don’t have the, no, come with a budget or don’t come at all. And also just get creative. Like I think creators and influencers, especially ones like we’re people who are always willing to work creatively with the brands that we want to partner with. Let’s say you can’t shell out the 5, 000 that a creator asked for, for a video.
Maybe you can do that. Half, which is 2, 500. You can also invite them to the event that you’re hosting, like in two weeks, you know, and fly them out. Like, maybe that’s a different part of the experience. So don’t be afraid to get a little bit of creative in that. And those ask.
[00:30:47] Tiffany: Oh, yeah. And that’s across the board, not just for me, because, but I think what’s interesting with being on the B to B side is like, there are tons of conferences.
There are tons of things that we as professionals, we do need to show up at these spaces and places. And You know, it’s not just to, you know, have like some cute pictures. It’s also to say like, here’s what I learned. Here’s what it means to our industry. And, you know, shout out to Sprout Social. That’s exactly what happened with, me and with Can.
So there’s all of this opportunity. I think that brands can lean into, especially with some of these companies that are creating. Almost like agency services for these risk-defined creators and help with campaign management and that kind of work. , I got really excited. So I was talking to Creator Match and.
, I love the terms that they use called B2P, which is like business to professional, which means so much. I think like when a business is considering a B2B creator, really thinking about, Oh, I’m talking to them because they’re a professional and they have a whole. So there’s more opportunity in a, and I think a higher conversion rate so that their product is, you know, seen and that’s what we’re still doing at the root of all of this, like, the hype that’s happening right now, we’re still operating under the economics of trust, which is if you love it, I’ll probably like it.
Let me give it a try, you know, like no trust. It’s always, it’s always in that. So tell me, like, let’s, let’s do some vision casting. Tell me what you think is coming up for you. In this space of being freelance and also being a creator. Do you see yourself playing into that space here till Kingdom Come?
Like, what big visions do you have for yourself?
[00:32:48] Jayde: Yeah, I mean, I honestly love the idea of doing both at the same time. To me, they kind of fuel each other, which is great. But I do look at my future as like J. Dye Powell as a holistic brand. So, you know, I’ve already built businesses of my own. So I feel like that’s going to continue growing or continue to happen.
I think I think people love to use the term serial entrepreneur. And I’m like, if I’m one of those, that’s fine. Like, I think I will always be creating businesses and brands. Cause that is my form of creativity. It’s like, some people like to paint. Some people like to, you know, make music. I love to create businesses.
That’s my thing. So I will continue doing that. I have. A campaign that is specifically targeted towards advocating for freelancers and creators coming up next year. So I’m going to announce that sometime in Q1, which I am excited about. But yeah, I think like overly quick. Overall, when I think about my vision, it’s just me becoming kind of a household name in this industry and marketing and advertising and the creator economy and growing from there, you know, I don’t see myself being like on TV or being an actor in that way.
But I’m like if me being an actor means starring in someone’s short form video.
[00:34:03] Tiffany: I love this. I love this. And it’s, it’s. Going big, dreaming big, because, you know, what we’ve learned so far from your path is that there is no one way there is no box. And I love that you’re able to also kind of own the fact that like, I don’t want a box, like I’m going to do what makes me happy and, you know, drives the mission forward.
And I think that’s dope. And. I think that many people can find some inspiration, you know, as there’s going through their journey to say like, wait, am I, am I the one creating the box that I’m putting myself in? Okay. That means I can uncreate it. I can climb out of the box, you know, and create my definitions.
And I think you are such a wonderful example of what it means to create your own definition for your career and also for yourself. Thank you.
[00:34:55] Jayde: I mean, I think that that is my purpose in life. Like, I want others to feel empowered and inspired to design the life that they want for themselves.
Like, I think, you know, if there’s anything that I’ve learned and probably will continue to learn is that, you know, once you kind of live your life in service of other people or the expectations that you think, you know, you should be moving towards, you kind of get away from the Overall joy of what it means to be a human being, like living in our bodies.
So I think for me and this time in my life, I’m like, okay, I have full capacity, strength, desire, the opportunity to design my life in the way that I want to. So I’m going to lean completely in that, even if it doesn’t make sense to other people like I’m so comfortable with that. Like I. The last thing you’re going to find me doing is explaining my choices to anyone.
I’m like, you guys can think whatever. I I’m good. I love that. The last thing
[00:35:56] Tiffany: you’re going to find me doing is explaining my choices to anyone. Yes. There are grown, grown, grown, grown people that need to hear that. Okay. Here for it, Jade, let us know, you know, where we can find you and if there are any last words that you would like to share with the Women and Influencer Marketing Network.
[00:36:19] Jayde: Yeah, so you can find me on LinkedIn. I’m Jade I. Powell, and I would say my last words are to do the things that bring you joy. That is something I always will champion and say, anytime someone passes me the mic, I think joy is something that has become a KPI for me. So when I think about success and what my life looks like, if I’m happy, that’s all that matters to me.
So do the things that bring you joy.
[00:36:45] Tiffany: I love that. That is so awesome. Thanks again for listening to this conversation on the Woman to Influence a Marketing podcast. I’m your guest host, Tiffany Harden, and you guys can find me anywhere on the internet. I will be on LinkedIn. You will be able to find me there with Tiffany Harden and also my company’s guild creative group and forthcoming representative.
Look me up. I would love to get connected to you all. Please like subscribe to this podcast and we’ll see you next time.
[00:37:15] Jessy: If you enjoyed this episode, we gotta have you back. Check out our website for more ways to get involved, including all the information you need about joining our collective. You can check out all the information at iamwiim.com. Leave us a review and a rating, but the most important thing that we can ask you to do is to share this podcast. Thanks for listening. Tune in next week.

Tiffany Hardin
Tiffany Hardin is an award winning executive marketer, investor and educator. Hardin is the CEO & founder of Gild Creative Group (GCG), an influencer marketing agency delivering strategy for brands that desire meaningful influencer/talent integrations for campaigns on and offline. She is known to help create and share culturally relevant stories to build meaningful connections driving trust, awareness and impact. Some client work has included brands such as: Hulu, Onyx, Black Girl in Om, Victoria Secret, Airbnb, WeWork, Microsoft & Target.
As an early pioneer in the mid-00’s of the influencer marketing industry, Tiffany has been at the forefront of social branded content helping lead curious brands on the power of leveraging talent driven platforms. As a “culture A&R”, Tiffany can trend forecast to see the waves of culture shift and support her clients to anticipate the wave versus react or get caught in the rip tide.
Tiffany’s commitment to educating and creating pathways for the next generation of mindful leaders, is illustrated in how she shows up in and for her industry in classrooms and media. Hardin has taught Capstone and Partnership courses at NYU’s Tisch and Stern Schools, guest mentored and lectured at AWS Impact Accelerator for Women, and been a featured lecturer for Billboard’s Music Industry Essentials Online Certificate Program. She also is a powerful speaker contributing to stages at SXSW, Adcolor & Advertising Week. Further, she is an advocate for those seeking an alternative to “hustle culture”, providing the professional development curriculum and lifestyle brand, Conscious Hustler™️. Currently, Tiffany is building a tech-startup, Represent, to support creators at every stage of their career leveraging tech-enabled tools and an expert marketplace of professionals.
Additionally, Tiffany has served as Board member, advisor or member to community organizations like AdColor, Harlem’s Fashion Row, Heal Haus, Be Well Schools, YWCA, and Nashville Repertory Theater.

Jayde I. Powell
Founder/Social Strategist, THE EM DASH CO.
Jayde I. Powell is a social strategist and content creator from Atlanta, Georgia. With over ten years of experience building the social media presence of several brands, Jayde has taken her knowledge and established herself as a well-respected creative and entrepreneur in the marketing and advertising industry.
She is the founder and head of creative of The Em Dash Co, a content and creative development agency, and the host of #CreatorTeaTalk, a community that brings together players in the creator economy to discuss all things creators, content, and culture. She is also the co-founder of Weed For Black Women, a media, culture, and community hub that strives to educate Black women on the power of the cannabis plant.
In 2023, she was recognized by Adweek as a standout in media, marketing, and culture and also recognized by Business Insider as a creator economy expert.
Jayde’s eye for creative content can be seen in her work for brands like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Proctor & Gamble’s My Black Is Beautiful, Sunwink, Delta Air Lines, and Essence. She is known for her humorous and relatable posts on LinkedIn and her championing of Black creators and influencers in the industry.
In addition to her professional marketing experience, Jayde has an education in international studies. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Georgia State University, with a focus on international business and marketing. She also served on the executive boards of organizations like AIESEC, CaribSA (Caribbean Students Association), and the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization and completed study abroad programs in Costa Rica and Brazil.
In her free time, she often travels between her home in Atlanta and Brooklyn, New York, where she sources much of her inspiration for her creative pursuits.