Experiencing churn? Here are 4 tips to retaining clients.

Regardless of what you do or where you work, you have clients. They could be internal stakeholders, managers or supervisors, cross-functional team, or those that are paying the bills — but regardless, you likely have some sort of “client” that you need to foster and maintain relationships with.



Regardless of what you do or where you work, you have clients. They could be internal stakeholders, managers or supervisors, cross-functional team, or those that are paying the bills — but regardless, you likely have some sort of “client” that you need to foster and maintain relationships with.


We all know the old adage: “It costs more to acquire a new customer than keep an old one” leading us to prioritize retaining clients wherever possible. The issue is, sometimes it’s hard to know how best to support and service your clients, and while each relationship and situation is different, below are a few failsafe recommendations to consider when striving to improve client retention.


Serve as an Extension of Their Business 

When you’re supporting clients, you should always consider yourself a part of their team. Understanding what they need, and ultimately what they are trying to achieve from a business perspective, will help you become a true partner and trusted advisor.  


If you understand the ins and outs of your client’s business, this will also make you more efficient. Your recommendations and plans will be inherently stronger because you understand not only the situation at hand, but the broader business.  Demonstrating this will further ingratiate trust and help solidify a longer relationship.


Have a Point of View 

The digital world is fast-paced and constantly changing, and we are often inundated with new options, ideas, and offerings. You can prove to be an invaluable resource by doing the legwork to sift through the tidal wave of information (so your clients don’t have to). 

By doing this, you’ll be able to assess potential opportunities, formulate a professional opinion, and ultimately, offer specific recommendations steering clients nimbly toward only what is worthwhile. Even if something serves no purpose for the current moment or situation, articulating a recommendation (and why you believe that), will again help you build trust and showcase your expertise, aiding in long-term partnerships.


Answer Questions Before They are Asked 

Because you already know your client’s business so well, you know what they are going to need in each situation. Leverage this knowledge to anticipate their questions and then be proactive with information, ideas, and answers. 


This “mindreading” approach should serve as a guide for all of your comms and processes. Thinking one step ahead, addressing possible inquiries, obstacles, etc. — this will not only make your life easier, it will ultimately serve to further strengthen the relationship with your client and position you as a trusted partner vs. an order-taker.


Remember, We Are All Human  

It’s easy to get intimidated by the client, but at the end of the day, remember, we’re all human and we’re all just trying to get a job done. Getting to know your client on a human level — what they like to do in their spare time, if they enjoyed their trip to the Bahamas last Spring, etc.—  not only serves as a genuine means of getting to know them better, but opens up lines of communication in a deeper, more authentic way and will over time help to grow the connection and longer-term partnerships.


Remember, all situations are unique, so take these tips and apply them in a way that works best for your team, clients, and relationships. And keep in mind, above all, the more you can positively impact your client’s business, the happier they will be and the happier they will be with you!

Crystal Duncan

Senior Vice President, Head of Partnership Marketing, TINUITI

Crystal has spent 15 years in the Influencer world – she started working in the Influencer space before it was even called Influencer Marketing!

Crystal has worked with some of the country’s largest brands in both the consumer and B2B space on Influencer and Social-driven programs. Her expertise ranges from top tier talent like Celebrity or Internet Stars, all the way through the execution of programs at scale through Micro or Nano Influencers.

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